We began working on character traits. After we went over what character traits were, we applied them to the story in Ridgy we were reading to infer traits about each main character. Finally, students were paired between my class and Miss Keith's to figure out an action for a character trait they were given. The two classes then had to infer what their trait was. The kids did a great job!
Coach BLeggett

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Happy Chinese Year!!!
We had a Chinese New Year celebration on Monday, welcoming the beginning of the Chinese New Year.
John Team Leggett MVP
John is very, very funny. He is fun to play with and is a great student. John is very smart because he studies a lot. He is a nice kid and a GREAT friend!
By Team Leggett Publicists: Brady & Dace
Curriculum Update January 30-February 3
I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. Thank you for going over the study packets with your child at night or allowing them to play the games on the computer to review for the state test. In playing the kinesthetic games in class, I can really tell that they have been studying.
Rigby Reading
We will continue with Theme 2, Week 2 in Rigby. We will continue to focus on determining importance (we will identify the main idea and details) and reviewing fix-up strategies. We will begin to focus on character traits (personality, physical and actions of a character)
The word study focus this week is word endings -ed, -ing, and -s. The Rigby list is blue, close, fall, girl, buzzes, grabbed, jumped, pages, roasted, and addresses. The extension list is inter (between, among). The words are interactive, interfere, interject, intermission, international, Internet, interpersonal, interpreter, interrupt, and interstate.
Social Studies/Writing
We will continue our study of celebrations of cultures looking at traditions, holidays, education, foods, sports, and languages. We are ahead of schedule. Please assist your child in editing/revising their rough draft week. Many of the students are now on typing. I would like all of the kids to be working on this stage of their research paper.
We will complete our title page at school. I also am going to go over with them the format for the bibliography. We will be using this citation website to complete our bibliography.
We began our pen pal partnership with Derrick Thomas Academy this week. Our hopes are that the children will be able to meet in the Spring.
Thank you and have a wonderful week!
For the upcoming PTA auction, our class is in charge of bringing things in for going on a road trip. Some sample items are snacks, crossword puzzles, and hand-held games.
The 5th grade is sponsoring another spirit day on February 24. It will be pajama day.
enVision Math
We completed our unit on probability and statistics. We will be going back to enVision this week beginning division. Our topics this week will be division as sharing, division as repeated subtraction, finding missing numbers in a multiplication table, problem solving-choose and appropriate equation, and writing division stories.
enVision Math
We completed our unit on probability and statistics. We will be going back to enVision this week beginning division. Our topics this week will be division as sharing, division as repeated subtraction, finding missing numbers in a multiplication table, problem solving-choose and appropriate equation, and writing division stories.
Rigby Reading
We will continue with Theme 2, Week 2 in Rigby. We will continue to focus on determining importance (we will identify the main idea and details) and reviewing fix-up strategies. We will begin to focus on character traits (personality, physical and actions of a character)
The word study focus this week is word endings -ed, -ing, and -s. The Rigby list is blue, close, fall, girl, buzzes, grabbed, jumped, pages, roasted, and addresses. The extension list is inter (between, among). The words are interactive, interfere, interject, intermission, international, Internet, interpersonal, interpreter, interrupt, and interstate.
Social Studies/Writing
We will continue our study of celebrations of cultures looking at traditions, holidays, education, foods, sports, and languages. We are ahead of schedule. Please assist your child in editing/revising their rough draft week. Many of the students are now on typing. I would like all of the kids to be working on this stage of their research paper.
We will complete our title page at school. I also am going to go over with them the format for the bibliography. We will be using this citation website to complete our bibliography.
We began our pen pal partnership with Derrick Thomas Academy this week. Our hopes are that the children will be able to meet in the Spring.
Thank you and have a wonderful week!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Curriculum Update January 23-27
I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. Please remember that the literacy playbook or games should be played each night in review for the Kansas Reading State Assessment. This should be studied as part of homework each night and brought back to school each day to look over. Just a reminder, the links to the study guide and some prefix/suffix matching and quizzes can be found on my class homepage at www.usd232.org/bleggett They are under useful links. Here are the links to each one as well.
prefix/suffix matching http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/match/dragflip.asp?filename=bleggett
prefix/suffix quiz http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/quiz/mquiz.asp?filename=bleggett
reading state assessment video game http://classtools.net/widgets/quiz_2/Meg49.htm
enVision Math
We focused on analyzing data this week (mode, median, max, min, and range). This week, we will work on probability and take a test on both concepts Friday, January 27.
prefix/suffix matching http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/match/dragflip.asp?filename=bleggett
prefix/suffix quiz http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/quiz/mquiz.asp?filename=bleggett
reading state assessment video game http://classtools.net/widgets/quiz_2/Meg49.htm
enVision Math
We focused on analyzing data this week (mode, median, max, min, and range). This week, we will work on probability and take a test on both concepts Friday, January 27.
Rigby Reading
We will begin Theme 1, Week 1 in Rigby. We will focus on determining importance (we will identify the main idea and details) and reviewing fix-up strategies.
We will begin Theme 1, Week 1 in Rigby. We will focus on determining importance (we will identify the main idea and details) and reviewing fix-up strategies.
The word study focus this week is homophones. The Rigby words this week are better, clean, done, end, maul, mall, paws, pause, principal, and principle. The extension list focus is dis (not, none). The words are disadvantage, disagreement, disappoint, discontinue, dismal, disobedient, disorganized, disposable, disrespectful, and disturb.
Social Studies
We will continue our study of celebrations of cultures looking at traditions, holidays, education, foods, sports, and languages. We will our rough draft this week. Our third grade international festival will be on February 23.
We will begin our rough draft on our ancestor's culture and country they originated from.
We will begin our rough draft on our ancestor's culture and country they originated from.
Have a wonderful week! :)
Alexa MVP
Alexa with Team Leggett Publicists Brady & Dace
Alexa was the Team Leggett MVP this week. She is really funny. Alexa is a really good friend. She is always willing to help anyone out and adds a lot of humor and energy to the class.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I have a Dream....
We went over Martin Luther King's dream. The students typed a few paragraphs about their dream. They then went to Storybird and created a story following their dream or another dream that was just a fiction story using images from Storybird.
I have a Dream... on Storybird
I Have A Dream on Storybird
I HAVE A DREAM.... on Storybird
I Have A Dream... on Storybird
I have a Dream on Storybird
I Have a Dream ... on Storybird
I Have a Dream... on Storybird
I have a Dream on Storybird
Monster Battle on Storybird
Two Great Dreams... on Storybird
I have a Dream on Storybird
I have a dream on Storybird
I Have A Dream on Storybird
I have a Dream. on Storybird
I HAVE A DREAM on Storybird
I Have a Dream on Storybird
I have a dream... on Storybird
I have a dream on Storybird
My life... on Storybird
I have a Dream on Storybird
I have a Dream... on Storybird
I Have A Dream on Storybird
I HAVE A DREAM.... on Storybird
I Have A Dream... on Storybird
I have a Dream on Storybird
I Have a Dream ... on Storybird
I Have a Dream... on Storybird
I have a Dream on Storybird
Monster Battle on Storybird
Two Great Dreams... on Storybird
I have a Dream on Storybird
I have a dream on Storybird
I Have A Dream on Storybird
I have a Dream. on Storybird
I HAVE A DREAM on Storybird
I Have a Dream on Storybird
I have a dream... on Storybird
I have a dream on Storybird
My life... on Storybird
I have a Dream on Storybird
Monday, January 16, 2012
Curriculum Update January 17-20
I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. It was another weekend of wonderful weather.
We have begun preparing the reading Kansas State Assessment. Your child will receive a reading literacy study guide on Tuesday. This should be studied as part of homework each night and brought back to school each day to look over. Also, I created some a reading video game out of the study guide and some prefix/suffix matching and quizzes. They can be found on my class homepage at www.usd232.org/bleggett They are under useful links. Here are the links to each one.
prefix/suffix matching http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/match/dragflip.asp?filename=bleggett
prefix/suffix quiz http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/quiz/mquiz.asp?filename=bleggett
reading state assessment video game http://classtools.net/widgets/quiz_2/Meg49.htm
One important change is the due date of the international festival research paper. It is due Wednesday, February 15 due to not being in school on the February 16 and 17.
We have begun preparing the reading Kansas State Assessment. Your child will receive a reading literacy study guide on Tuesday. This should be studied as part of homework each night and brought back to school each day to look over. Also, I created some a reading video game out of the study guide and some prefix/suffix matching and quizzes. They can be found on my class homepage at www.usd232.org/bleggett They are under useful links. Here are the links to each one.
prefix/suffix matching http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/match/dragflip.asp?filename=bleggett
prefix/suffix quiz http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/quiz/mquiz.asp?filename=bleggett
reading state assessment video game http://classtools.net/widgets/quiz_2/Meg49.htm
One important change is the due date of the international festival research paper. It is due Wednesday, February 15 due to not being in school on the February 16 and 17.
enVision Math
We completed time last week. In your spare time, please ask your child what time it is, how to say it in another way, how many minutes it is until the next hour. This will be great reinforcement for them. For the next two weeks, we won't be using enVision. We will be working on figuring out data (min, max, range, median, mode) and probability (chance something will happen). This week, we will focus on data. We will use the estimation jar, take surveys, and use our KC Chiefs prediction outcomes to work on data. Please look for homework reinforcing these concepts each night.
We completed time last week. In your spare time, please ask your child what time it is, how to say it in another way, how many minutes it is until the next hour. This will be great reinforcement for them. For the next two weeks, we won't be using enVision. We will be working on figuring out data (min, max, range, median, mode) and probability (chance something will happen). This week, we will focus on data. We will use the estimation jar, take surveys, and use our KC Chiefs prediction outcomes to work on data. Please look for homework reinforcing these concepts each night.
Rigby Reading
We will continue Theme 7, Week 2. The comprehension strategies will be fix-up (this is focusing on what you should do when you are stuck on a word) and creating mental images (movie in your head).
We will continue Theme 7, Week 2. The comprehension strategies will be fix-up (this is focusing on what you should do when you are stuck on a word) and creating mental images (movie in your head).
The word study focus is multiple meaning words. The Rigby words are best, care, woman, work, bowl, jerky, prune, stern, palm, and flounder. The extension list prefix focus is un (not, non). The words are uncertain, uncommon, unconscious, undecided, unexpected, unmistakable, unnecessary, untidy, unwise, unworthy.
Social Studies
We will continue our study of celebrations of cultures looking at traditions, holidays, education, foods, sports, and languages. Our third grade international festival will be on February 23.
We will continue researching our ancestor's culture and country they originated from.
We will continue researching our ancestor's culture and country they originated from.
The first three groups completed their interviews for our documentary. They interviewed Dr. Sumner, the PRE lunch ladies, and Mr. Rex. On Friday, the Kansas Commissioner of Education, Dr. Diane DeBacker will be coming to participate in the documentary. They will also interview Mrs. Vaughan. Thank you to the two Mill Valley students that are helping them with this project.
Have a wonderful week! :)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Curriculum Update January 9-13
I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. Please look for a letter and rubric about the third grade international fest in your child's Monday folder. Also, please look for a field trip permission slip to the symphony on February 21 and a prefix/suffix sheet that your child should be studying for the upcoming reading state assessment February 28-March 1.
enVision Math
We will continue to work on time this week. We will work on units of time, elapsed time, problem solving:working backwards and review for our test on Tuesday, January 17.
We will continue to work on time this week. We will work on units of time, elapsed time, problem solving:working backwards and review for our test on Tuesday, January 17.
Rigby Reading
We will begin Theme 7, Week 1. The comprehension strategies will be fix-up (this is focusing on what you should do when you are stuck on a word) and creating mental images (movie in your head).
We will begin Theme 7, Week 1. The comprehension strategies will be fix-up (this is focusing on what you should do when you are stuck on a word) and creating mental images (movie in your head).
The word study focus is synonyms (same) and antonyms (opposite). The Rigby words are begin, thought, took, well, empty, furnish, profit, vacant, purpose, clutch. The extension list is super, sur (over, above, beyond). The words are superb, superimpose, superintendent, superior, supervisor, surcharge, surplus, surprise, surreal, surtax.
Social Studies
We will begin our study of celebrations of cultures looking at traditions, holidays, education, foods, sports, and languages. Our third grade international festival will be on February 23.
We will begin researching our ancestor's culture and country they originated from.
We will begin researching our ancestor's culture and country they originated from.
We will continue our letter writing. Last week, the kids received letters from their pen pals in Pennsylvania and Georgia. We will finish writing them back this week.
The kids have all formed documentary groups. They will begin their interviewing with the help of the Mill Valley video class this week.
Have a wonderful week! :)
Have a wonderful week and safe and relaxing holiday
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Curriculum Update January 5-6
Happy New Year and welcome back!!! I hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. I can't believe that we are already halfway through the year.
We will begin to have a stronger focus on our upcoming state assessments. The first assessment will be reading, February 28-March 1. Please look for study playbooks in the upcoming weeks and a prefix/suffix sheet coming home Monday. Also on Monday, a timeline, research rubric, and letter explaining our upcoming International Festival on February 23 will be in your child's Monday folder.
There won't be any spelling due to the short week. We will begin Theme 12, focusing on time in math and will be reviewing main idea and summarizing in reading. The children will also learn about note taking, plagiarizing, and paraphrasing in preparation for their upcoming research report.
I'm looking forward to seeing your child tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your week!
We will begin to have a stronger focus on our upcoming state assessments. The first assessment will be reading, February 28-March 1. Please look for study playbooks in the upcoming weeks and a prefix/suffix sheet coming home Monday. Also on Monday, a timeline, research rubric, and letter explaining our upcoming International Festival on February 23 will be in your child's Monday folder.
There won't be any spelling due to the short week. We will begin Theme 12, focusing on time in math and will be reviewing main idea and summarizing in reading. The children will also learn about note taking, plagiarizing, and paraphrasing in preparation for their upcoming research report.
I'm looking forward to seeing your child tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your week!
Nick MVP December 12-16
Nick was Team Leggett MVP December 12-16. Team Leggett Publicists stated that Nick is very kind and funny. He always has a smile on his face and is willing to help others. Nick is a hard worker and easily gets along with everyone. Great work, Nick!
Pay it Forward Continues
We continued our Pay it Forward initiative. The children made holiday cards and ornament wreaths. They were dropped off at Medicalodges Nursing Home in Gardner, Kansas on Christmas Eve. The residents were excited to receive the gifts.
The children also made care packages for patients at Children's Mercy Hospital. They went along with the "Happy" theme. Everything had a smiley face on it. The care packages included cards, smiley face bags, balls, magnets, pencil holders, notebooks, and stickers.
Holiday Party
A special thank you to Becky Gipson for organizing such a wonderful holiday party. Thank you to all the parents that came to the party to help out and for sending in all the items to help make it a success.
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