Baby Aaliyah arrived on November 23 at 11:55 am. I will be out until February 4, 2013. Please direct all questions or concerns to long term substitute, Amanda Foster
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Coach BLeggett

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Student Created Video Games
The students have been working on designing their own video games on Sploder. The purpose of the project is to integrate writing, math, reading, and creativity. The students had to blog about their video games, explaining their thought process behind their initial design. They had to talk about the problem solving skills they used and the goals behind their video game. Next, they had to play another students' game with the purpose of evaluating their game and making inferences from different levels. Afterwards, they had to read the evaluation, then talk about what they would change and implement for their next video game design.
When I return from maternity leave in February, we will continue with this project.
Aidan S.(The Zoo you don't want to go to):
Lauren: (Score)
Alec: (Mission Impossible .6666)
Bridget: (The Dark Knight Rises)
Kylee: (Help Me!)
Paiten: (Monster Infested)
Macayla: (Vampire Bats)
Carson: (Beasts)
Jack De.: (Masters)
Evan: (Monsters)
Zach: (Unbeatable Robots)
Kate: (The Awesome Game)
Jack B.: (Pass the Missions)
Noah: (Mission 864)
Meredith: (Superman)
Khalel: (Superman Next Generation)
Ben: (The Awesome Defeat)
Gabrielle: (Mission Accomplished 116)
Jack Da.: (The Return of the Samurai)
Aiden L. (Battle)
Mary: (Dark Awesomeness)
Caleb: (Get Me Out of this World)
When I return from maternity leave in February, we will continue with this project.
Aidan S.(The Zoo you don't want to go to):
Lauren: (Score)
Alec: (Mission Impossible .6666)
Bridget: (The Dark Knight Rises)
Kylee: (Help Me!)
Paiten: (Monster Infested)
Macayla: (Vampire Bats)
Carson: (Beasts)
Jack De.: (Masters)
Evan: (Monsters)
Zach: (Unbeatable Robots)
Kate: (The Awesome Game)
Jack B.: (Pass the Missions)
Noah: (Mission 864)
Meredith: (Superman)
Khalel: (Superman Next Generation)
Ben: (The Awesome Defeat)
Gabrielle: (Mission Accomplished 116)
Jack Da.: (The Return of the Samurai)
Aiden L. (Battle)
Mary: (Dark Awesomeness)
Caleb: (Get Me Out of this World)
On the Campaign Trail Filming
The kids had a great time filming their reading movie, "On the Campaign Trail" at Mill Valley High School. They did a fantastic job rewriting the story and learning all their lines!
Caleb Team Leggett MVP November 11-16
Caleb is really funny. He always makes everyone in the class laugh. He loves to read and is a friend to everyone. Caleb is a wonderful person.
By Team Leggett Publicists: Paiten & Macayla
By Team Leggett Publicists: Paiten & Macayla
Gabrielle Team Leggett MVP November 5-9
Gabrielle is a really nice friend. She is really helpful. Gabrielle always helps out with the class pets. Gabrielle plays soccer and volleyball. Go Gabrielle!
By Team Leggett Publicists: Macayla & Aidan
Pay it Forward Thanksgiving Crafts
As one of our class Pay it Forward initiatives, the kids made Thanksgiving crafts and cards for the residents at the Medical Lodges of Gardner nursing home in Gardner, Kansas.
Curriculum Update November 26-30
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends. Please remember the Clorox Power a Bright Future grant voting continues through December 19. Please text and go online and vote each day. When voting online, you can go to You have to register the first time. You can text 1044pbf to 95248 each day too.
On Friday, the third grade will have Tourism Day from 9:30-10:30. Your child has become an expert on a state and will become a tourism director, sharing the information with other grade levels. You are welcome to attend.
We will begin Theme 7, "On Moving Ground". The comprehension strategy is fix-up strategies. The vocabulary words are anticipate, realize, favorite, surface, and volcano.
list 2: vacant, purpose, provide, furnish, attack, clutch, grasp, guard, frighten, startle
list 3: (uper, sur (over, above, beyond) superb, superimpose, superintendent, superior, supervisor, surcharge, surplus, surprise, surreal, surtax
We will continue our geography unit. The students each have a state they have been conducting research on. They also have been learning about different types of maps, continents, oceans, lines on a map, how to create a map, features, map keys and symbols. On Friday, November 30, they will have a tourism day culminating everything they have learned. They will also have a geography test on all the continents, oceans, compass rose and intermediate directions.
On Friday, the third grade will have Tourism Day from 9:30-10:30. Your child has become an expert on a state and will become a tourism director, sharing the information with other grade levels. You are welcome to attend.
We will begin Theme 7, "On Moving Ground". The comprehension strategy is fix-up strategies. The vocabulary words are anticipate, realize, favorite, surface, and volcano.
The spelling lists for this week is synonyms and antonyms.
list 1: aim, loss, empty, male, female, profit, heavy, light, scare, fullThe spelling lists for this week is synonyms and antonyms.
list 2: vacant, purpose, provide, furnish, attack, clutch, grasp, guard, frighten, startle
list 3: (uper, sur (over, above, beyond) superb, superimpose, superintendent, superior, supervisor, surcharge, surplus, surprise, surreal, surtax
We will continue working on personal narratives with quotations.
We will begin Topic 6, Multiplication Facts: Use Known Facts in math. This week we will cover the distributive property, 3 as a factor, 4 as a factor, 6 and 7 as a factor, 8 as a factor, and multiplying with 3 factors.
SSWe will begin Topic 6, Multiplication Facts: Use Known Facts in math. This week we will cover the distributive property, 3 as a factor, 4 as a factor, 6 and 7 as a factor, 8 as a factor, and multiplying with 3 factors.
We will continue our geography unit. The students each have a state they have been conducting research on. They also have been learning about different types of maps, continents, oceans, lines on a map, how to create a map, features, map keys and symbols. On Friday, November 30, they will have a tourism day culminating everything they have learned. They will also have a geography test on all the continents, oceans, compass rose and intermediate directions.
Have a fantastic week!
Geography State Cookies
The kids created geography state cookies. They iced them drew the outline of the state they have been studying. Next, they put some sprinkles representing major industries in their state. They sprinkled another kind of sprinkles for population, used blue icing to draw lakes and rivers, and places a white chocolate chip on to represent their state capital. In the end, they were able to eat their state creations.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Curriculum Update November 12-16
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Please remember theClorox
Power a Bright Future grant voting begins on Monday. Please text and go online
and vote each day. When voting online, you can go to You have to register the
first time. You can text 1044pbf to 95248 each day too.
Please also remember we will be going to Mill Valley on Tuesday to film our reading movie. The kids will need a sack lunch.
We will begin Theme 6, "Roads to Travel On" this week. The comprehension skill is creating images and reviewing monitor understanding. The vocabulary words this week are frontier, transit, elegant, technology, construction, agriculture, explore, fuel, adventure, and aviation.
list 2: daughter, weigh, crumb, subtle, drought, sleigh, doubt, through, written, rhyme
list 3: sub (under, below) subconscious, subcutaneous, subdue, subfreezing, subirrigate, subject, submarine, submerge, subordinate, subway.
We will begin our geography unit. The students each have a state they are doing research on. They also are learning about different types of maps, continents, oceans, lines on a map, how to create a map, features, map keys and symbols. On November 30, they will have a tourism day culminating everything they have learned.
Please also remember we will be going to Mill Valley on Tuesday to film our reading movie. The kids will need a sack lunch.
We will begin Theme 6, "Roads to Travel On" this week. The comprehension skill is creating images and reviewing monitor understanding. The vocabulary words this week are frontier, transit, elegant, technology, construction, agriculture, explore, fuel, adventure, and aviation.
The spelling lists for this week is a study of
the silent consonants w, h, b, g, gh
list 1:
wrist, thumb, wrong, ghost, honest, comb, plumber, honor, bright, eightlist 2: daughter, weigh, crumb, subtle, drought, sleigh, doubt, through, written, rhyme
list 3: sub (under, below) subconscious, subcutaneous, subdue, subfreezing, subirrigate, subject, submarine, submerge, subordinate, subway.
We are working on personal narratives with quotations. We will also write back to our Kentucky pen pals.
We continue our multiplication facts: using patterns this week. We will multiply with 0, 1, 10, look at patterns for facts, multiplying by multiples of 10, and answering two-question problems in problem solving.
We continue our multiplication facts: using patterns this week. We will multiply with 0, 1, 10, look at patterns for facts, multiplying by multiples of 10, and answering two-question problems in problem solving.
We will also complete our video games, blog about them with the focus on (steps used for problem solving, summarizing game, evaluating game, inferring and talking about how to take it further when developing the next game)
We will begin our geography unit. The students each have a state they are doing research on. They also are learning about different types of maps, continents, oceans, lines on a map, how to create a map, features, map keys and symbols. On November 30, they will have a tourism day culminating everything they have learned.
Have a fantastic week!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Halloween Party
A special thank you to Carol Phipps for leading and planning the Halloween party. Thank you to all the parents who sent in items and helped out at the party. The kids had a great time! The kids and I really appreciate all your time and efforts. Thank you very much!
Curriculum Update November 5-9
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I can't believe we are already in November!
Thank you to everyone for sending in candy and stuffed animals for the troops. We were able to send letters, cards, candy, beanie babies, stuffed animals, and USA magnets to the troops. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Please remember the Clorox Power a Bright Future grant voting begins on Monday. Please text and go online and vote each day. When voting online, you can go to You have to register the first time. You can text pabf7339 to 95248 each day too.
We will be recreating and acting out one of our Rigby stories at Mill Valley High School on Monday. A permission slip will be coming home in your child's Monday folder. Please make sure they bring a sack lunch this day because we will be missing lunch.
list 2: respectful, worthless, wasteful, peaceful, restless, heartless, excitable, likeable, delightful, breathless
We will continue our government unit. The students will learn more about the election process. Kylee will represent our class in the third grade class election on Tuesday.
Thank you to everyone for sending in candy and stuffed animals for the troops. We were able to send letters, cards, candy, beanie babies, stuffed animals, and USA magnets to the troops. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Please remember the Clorox Power a Bright Future grant voting begins on Monday. Please text and go online and vote each day. When voting online, you can go to You have to register the first time. You can text pabf7339 to 95248 each day too.
We will be recreating and acting out one of our Rigby stories at Mill Valley High School on Monday. A permission slip will be coming home in your child's Monday folder. Please make sure they bring a sack lunch this day because we will be missing lunch.
We will continuing week 2, Theme 14, "Every Vote Counts" in
Rigby this week. The comprehension strategy is still creating images. The vocab words
are announce, opportunity, approximate, approve, and deadline. Our grammar focus will still be on
The spelling lists for this week is a study of
the suffixes ful, able, less.
list 1: breakable, mouthful, careless, painless, readable, tireless, colorful, fearless, comfortable, helpfullist 2: respectful, worthless, wasteful, peaceful, restless, heartless, excitable, likeable, delightful, breathless
list 3: contra, counter (against, opposite) contraband, contradict, contrarian, contrary, contrast, counterbalance, counterclockwise, counterexample, counterfeit, counterintuitive
We will publish our descriptive writing pieces and personal experience writing, focusing on description and dialogue.
We will also write back to our Derrick Thomas Academy pen pals.
We will complete topic 4, focusing on problem solving, writing to explain Monday, test review Tuesday, test on Wednesday, and beginning topic , 2 & 5 as factors and 9 as a factor on Thursday and Friday.
We will complete topic 4, focusing on problem solving, writing to explain Monday, test review Tuesday, test on Wednesday, and beginning topic , 2 & 5 as factors and 9 as a factor on Thursday and Friday.
We will continue our government unit. The students will learn more about the election process. Kylee will represent our class in the third grade class election on Tuesday.
In Science, we learned about different types of weather last week. The students watched a video about things they could do to stay safe in a tornado, tsunami, flash flood, lightning strike, or extreme weather.
The students also learned about different types of clouds. After learning about them, we created a cloud in bottle by mixing hot water, a match, and ice cubes.
We will continue learning about the effects of different types of weather this week.
Students are watching the cloud being formed. They also learned about condensation and fog. |
Have a fantastic week!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Noah, Team Leggett MVP October 29-November 2
Noah is a great friend. He is really funny and always has something to share with the class. Noah is a hard worker and really talented. Congrats on being a great MVP, Noah!
By Team Leggett Publicists: Aidan S. & Macayla
By Team Leggett Publicists: Aidan S. & Macayla
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Class Election!!!
We have been studying about government in Social Studies. The students have learned about elections, ballots, campaigns, speeches, protests and candidates. The class selected four students as candidates for our classroom president. The rest of the class was broken into campaign teams, making signs and other promotional items for their candidate. On October 31, we had our class election.
Congratulations to Bridget and Kate, class representatives, Carson, Vice President and Kylee, President. Good luck to Kylee as she runs for the third grade class president on November 6.
Kate (third from left) with her campaign team, Aiden, Jack D., Paiten, Mary |
Carson (third from left) posing with his campaign team, Jack De., Gabrielle, Noah, Caleb |
Bridget (third from left) posing with her campaign team, Aidan, Alec, Lauren, Jack B. |
Kylee (third from left) posing with her campaign team, Zach, Macayla, Meredith, Ben, Evan |
Class Candidates Kate-Class Representative Kylee-Class President Bridget-Class Representative Carson-Class Vice President |
Carson's Speech
Kate's Speech
Bridget's Speech
Kylee's Speech
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