Our first grade buddies in Mrs. Sudac's class were studying goods and services. The third grade students helped the first graders find images and create their own goods and services Animoto video.
Ryan and Abe's Good and Services
Jane, Dylan & Gina's Goods and Services
Oliver & Nicholas's Good and Services
Cassie and Kate's Goods and Services
Madeline and Celeste's Goods and Services
Libby and Maggie's Goods and Services
Chloe and Ava's Goods and Services
Bryce and Justice's Good and Services
Max and Noah's Good and Services
Ethan and Andrew's Goods and Services
Rodolfo and Vall's Goods and Services
Lucas and Hank's Goods and Services
Jack G. & Brayden's Goods and Services
Sam, Dylan & Kyler's Goods and Services
Natalie and Charlotte's Goods and Services
Sofia and Stella's Goods and Services
Alex and Blake's Goods and Services
Nick and Bennett's Goods and Services
Jayda and Callie
Jack W. and Halle
Coach BLeggett

Monday, October 28, 2013
Curriculum Update October 28-November 1
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
This week is Red Ribbon week. Here is the schedule:
Monday-wear red for dedication for a healthy drug-free life
Tuesday- wear pajamas and slippers for following your dreams and staying away from drugs
Wednesday- wear sweats for saying no to drugs is no sweat
Thursday- wear crazy socks for don't be be crazy, say no to drugs
Friday- wear your favorite hat for hats off to a healthy, drug free life
Thursday will be our fall party. The parade will begin at 2:45 pm and the classroom party will be at 3:00. Thank you for all the donations for the party and a special thank you to Lori Shank and Nikki Schnepf for organizing the party.
A majority of the genius hour projects are complete. We will be presenting them this week. The students have done an amazing job putting their research together. The motivation level of the students being able to study anything they are passionate about has been incredible. A majority of the projects will be posted very soon!
ELA/Science: We will begin our force and interactions unit this week. The overall guiding question will be, "How do you know forces are acting on an object?" We will be conducting investigations to better understand how unbalanced and balanced forces impact motion. Our reading strategy this week will be identifying the main idea of a text by recounting the details and explaining how they support the main idea. We will be using active reading behaviors to accomplish this.
Spelling/Vocabulary: The tests will be on Friday, November 8. The words for the next two weeks are:
force: a push or a pull
motion: a change in place or position
friction: a force caused by two objects rubbing against each other
distance: a measure of how far and object moves
measure: to find out how much there is of something
speed: a measure of how fast and object is moving
time: a measure of how fast it takes an object to move a certain distance
relative position: the position of one object compared to the position of other objects
gravity: a force that pulls objects down
pendulum: an object that swings rhythmically back and forth
inertia: state of being at rest or in motion until acted on
exert: to apply effort or force
accelerate: to speed up or cause to move faster
mass: amount of matter (substance) in an object
momentum: the force or speed of movement
Spelling games for this list are: https://www.spellingcity.com/bleggett/
Vocabulary games for this list are: http://www.classtools.net/mob/quiz_21/Forces_and_Interactions_Test_Nov_8_ZVcnx.htm
Math: We will be working on our multiplication facts this week 2, 5, 9, 0, 1, 10 and patterns. The focus will be on the students really understanding and explaining the patterns, rather than only memorizing the facts and not understanding the meaning of multiplication.
SS: We will be finishing our communities movies this week.
Have a fantastic week!
This week is Red Ribbon week. Here is the schedule:
Monday-wear red for dedication for a healthy drug-free life
Tuesday- wear pajamas and slippers for following your dreams and staying away from drugs
Wednesday- wear sweats for saying no to drugs is no sweat
Thursday- wear crazy socks for don't be be crazy, say no to drugs
Friday- wear your favorite hat for hats off to a healthy, drug free life
Thursday will be our fall party. The parade will begin at 2:45 pm and the classroom party will be at 3:00. Thank you for all the donations for the party and a special thank you to Lori Shank and Nikki Schnepf for organizing the party.
A majority of the genius hour projects are complete. We will be presenting them this week. The students have done an amazing job putting their research together. The motivation level of the students being able to study anything they are passionate about has been incredible. A majority of the projects will be posted very soon!
ELA/Science: We will begin our force and interactions unit this week. The overall guiding question will be, "How do you know forces are acting on an object?" We will be conducting investigations to better understand how unbalanced and balanced forces impact motion. Our reading strategy this week will be identifying the main idea of a text by recounting the details and explaining how they support the main idea. We will be using active reading behaviors to accomplish this.
Spelling/Vocabulary: The tests will be on Friday, November 8. The words for the next two weeks are:
force: a push or a pull
motion: a change in place or position
friction: a force caused by two objects rubbing against each other
distance: a measure of how far and object moves
measure: to find out how much there is of something
speed: a measure of how fast and object is moving
time: a measure of how fast it takes an object to move a certain distance
relative position: the position of one object compared to the position of other objects
gravity: a force that pulls objects down
pendulum: an object that swings rhythmically back and forth
inertia: state of being at rest or in motion until acted on
exert: to apply effort or force
accelerate: to speed up or cause to move faster
mass: amount of matter (substance) in an object
momentum: the force or speed of movement
Spelling games for this list are: https://www.spellingcity.com/bleggett/
Vocabulary games for this list are: http://www.classtools.net/mob/quiz_21/Forces_and_Interactions_Test_Nov_8_ZVcnx.htm
Math: We will be working on our multiplication facts this week 2, 5, 9, 0, 1, 10 and patterns. The focus will be on the students really understanding and explaining the patterns, rather than only memorizing the facts and not understanding the meaning of multiplication.
SS: We will be finishing our communities movies this week.
Have a fantastic week!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Pay it Forward - Red Bandannas in Honor of Welles Crowther
For one part of our community walk, the students where able to understand what civic responsibility truly means as they passed out red bandannas and kind cards in honor of September 11th fallen hero, Welles Crowther, who sacrificed his life helping many individuals get out of the Twin Towers safely before they collapsed. Crowther always wore a red bandanna. Students learned about Crowther and how they are challenged to make a positive difference in the world. http://www.crowthertrust.org/
Pay it Forward Thank You - From the Shawnee Police Department
For our Pay it Forward project, the students are taught to not look for anything in return. So, when we received this kind letter and photo from the Shawnee Police Department in response to their letters and USA magnets, the students were pretty excited to know they made a difference.
Mrs. Leggett,
On behalf of the women and men of the Shawnee Police Department, please
accept our gratitude for the thoughtful letters written by your students.
Kind gestures such as these do make a difference to officers on patrol.
The importance of introducing the police officers of tomorrow to this
aspect of their community cannot be understated. You never know which one
of those young authors may become a police officer in their own community.
CPT Mitchell R. Brim, # 858
Special Operations Bureau,
Patrol Division,
Mrs. Leggett,
On behalf of the women and men of the Shawnee Police Department, please
accept our gratitude for the thoughtful letters written by your students.
Kind gestures such as these do make a difference to officers on patrol.
The importance of introducing the police officers of tomorrow to this
aspect of their community cannot be understated. You never know which one
of those young authors may become a police officer in their own community.
CPT Mitchell R. Brim, # 858
Special Operations Bureau,
Patrol Division,
Pay it Forward - Happy Fall Cards and Crafts for Nursing Home Residents
The students created crafts and cards for nursing home residents at Medicalodge in Gardner, Kansas as part of our class Pay it Forward project. The residents were thrilled to receive such thoughtful gifts from the students. It truly made their day!
The students are holding cards and fall crafts for nursing home residents. |
Storybird Multiplication Stories
We have been working on the meaning of multiplication in class. The students used their creativity from images on Storybird to write a multiplication story.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Curriculum Update October 22-25
I hope everyone had a wonderful, long weekend with your children!
This week, we are going on our community walk on Thursday. We will be stopping at McDonald's on the way back. It is optional if you want to give your child money. It is only for a snack. We will leave after lunch.
Grammar: We are working on possessives this week and continuing to recognize what words to capitalize in titles.
Math: We are working on the meaning of multiplication. We will have a test this week and begin our multiplication facts.
Writing: We are beginning our postcard writing project this week. Also, we are working beginning our opinion paper on Shawnee's past having an impact on Shawnee today.
Spelling/Vocab: There is no new spelling or vocabulary this week.
Reading/SS: We are continuing to learn about the past and present of Kansas and Shawnee. We are working on using text features and search tools to locate information. Students will continue their project-based learning research answering the following driving question? How does Shawnee's past play a part in Shawnee today?
Have a fantastic week!
This week, we are going on our community walk on Thursday. We will be stopping at McDonald's on the way back. It is optional if you want to give your child money. It is only for a snack. We will leave after lunch.
Grammar: We are working on possessives this week and continuing to recognize what words to capitalize in titles.
Math: We are working on the meaning of multiplication. We will have a test this week and begin our multiplication facts.
Writing: We are beginning our postcard writing project this week. Also, we are working beginning our opinion paper on Shawnee's past having an impact on Shawnee today.
Spelling/Vocab: There is no new spelling or vocabulary this week.
Reading/SS: We are continuing to learn about the past and present of Kansas and Shawnee. We are working on using text features and search tools to locate information. Students will continue their project-based learning research answering the following driving question? How does Shawnee's past play a part in Shawnee today?
Have a fantastic week!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Soil Tunnel Trailer
Thank you to Gayla Speer from the Johnson County Conservation District for bringing the soil tunnel trailer to Prairie Ridge. We really enjoyed learning about what impacts our precious natural resource. We loved the interactive experience!
Curriculum Update October 14-17
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Please remember that this is a short week for the students. There is no school on Friday and Monday. Also, this is a reminder that picture day is on Thursday.
Please remember to continue having your child complete their reading log. The next one will be due on Tuesday.
Grammar: We will continue to focus on verbs and adverbs in writing. They students are going to use them in their free writes about different communities they watch live on web cams.
Math: We have started working on the meaning of multiplication. The students will work on arrays in multiplication, the Commutative Property, writing multiplication stories and writing to explain in problem solving this week.
Writing: We completed our descriptive writing monsters. They are on their way to a third grade class in New Mexico. The students are very excited about receiving their monster writing to try to draw their monsters. Also this week, we will be writing letters to our France pen pals and beginning bouncing stories with a class in New Zealand. We also will begin working on argumentative writing, where they will take a stance about if living in Shawnee is better today or in the past. They will include reasons to explain their thinking.
Spelling/Vocab: The tests will be on Thursday this week since there is no school on Friday. Here are the words:
Johnson: a county in Kansas
Prairie Ridge: elementary school in Shawnee
Monticello Trail: middle school in Shawnee
Grey Oaks: neighborhood in Shawnee
Mill Valley: high school in Shawnee
Woodsonia: neighborhood in Shawnee
Crystal Park: neighborhood in Shawnee
Oakmont: neighborhood in Shawnee
Shawnee: city in Kansas
Kansas: state in the Midwest region of the United States
mayor: highest ranking officer in the municipal government of a town or large urban city
ordinance: laws of the city
council: a group of people who come together to consult, deliberate or make decisions
representative: a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others
ward: an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a council
Vocab game link: http://www.classtools.net/mob/quiz_85/Communities_SpellingVocab_test_October_17_M66N5.htm
Spelling game link:
Reading/SS: We are continuing to learn about the past and present of Kansas and Shawnee. We will continue to work on making inferences and comparing/contrasting. Students will begin their project-based learning research answering the following driving question? How does Shawnee's past play a part in Shawnee today?
Have a fantastic week!
Please remember to continue having your child complete their reading log. The next one will be due on Tuesday.
Grammar: We will continue to focus on verbs and adverbs in writing. They students are going to use them in their free writes about different communities they watch live on web cams.
Math: We have started working on the meaning of multiplication. The students will work on arrays in multiplication, the Commutative Property, writing multiplication stories and writing to explain in problem solving this week.
Writing: We completed our descriptive writing monsters. They are on their way to a third grade class in New Mexico. The students are very excited about receiving their monster writing to try to draw their monsters. Also this week, we will be writing letters to our France pen pals and beginning bouncing stories with a class in New Zealand. We also will begin working on argumentative writing, where they will take a stance about if living in Shawnee is better today or in the past. They will include reasons to explain their thinking.
Spelling/Vocab: The tests will be on Thursday this week since there is no school on Friday. Here are the words:
Johnson: a county in Kansas
Prairie Ridge: elementary school in Shawnee
Monticello Trail: middle school in Shawnee
Grey Oaks: neighborhood in Shawnee
Mill Valley: high school in Shawnee
Woodsonia: neighborhood in Shawnee
Crystal Park: neighborhood in Shawnee
Oakmont: neighborhood in Shawnee
Shawnee: city in Kansas
Kansas: state in the Midwest region of the United States
mayor: highest ranking officer in the municipal government of a town or large urban city
ordinance: laws of the city
council: a group of people who come together to consult, deliberate or make decisions
representative: a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others
ward: an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a council
Vocab game link: http://www.classtools.net/mob/quiz_85/Communities_SpellingVocab_test_October_17_M66N5.htm
Spelling game link:
Reading/SS: We are continuing to learn about the past and present of Kansas and Shawnee. We will continue to work on making inferences and comparing/contrasting. Students will begin their project-based learning research answering the following driving question? How does Shawnee's past play a part in Shawnee today?
Have a fantastic week!
Max, Team Leggett MVP September 30-October 4
Max was our Team Leggett MVP from September 30-October 4. He always adds a lot of enthusiam and energy to our classroom. Congrats, Max!
Pay it Forward - Thank You Shawnee Police Department and Firemen
We kicked off our class Pay it Forward Project by writing thank you letters to the Shawnee Police Department and Firemen. We also sent USA flag magnets. To work on the true meaning of civic responsibility,our class will complete at least two random acts of kindness a month without looking for anything in return.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Curriculum Update October 7-11
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. It definitely feels like fall has arrived!
This week is Take a Stand against bullying at school. It is important that the students realize the importance of not being a bully and what actions they can take if someone is bullying them. A picture form will be coming home. Pictures are Thursday, October 17. Also, this a reminder there is no school On October 18 or October 21. Writing: The students are working on descriptive writing this week. They are partnering with a class in New Mexico with a monster writing project.
Grammar: We will continue to focus on verbs and adverbs in writing. They students are going to use them in their free writes about different communities they watch live on web cams.
Math: The students are learning how to estimate with subtraction, subtract across zeroes and use problem-solving methods. The topic 3 test will be this week.
Writing: We will beginning a descriptive writing project with a class in New Mexico this week. The students will be creating their own monsters, writing detailed descriptions of them, then exhanging them with this class to draw. Our partner class will be doing the same thing. We will also write our California pen pals back this week.
Spelling/Vocab: The tests will be on Thursday, October 17 next week. Here are the new words:
Johnson: a county in Kansas
Prairie Ridge: elementary school in Shawnee
Monticello Trail: middle school in Shawnee
Grey Oaks: neighborhood in Shawnee
Mill Valley: high school in Shawnee
Woodsonia: neighborhood in Shawnee
Crystal Park: neighborhood in Shawnee
Oakmont: neighborhood in Shawnee
Shawnee: city in Kansas
Kansas: state in the Midwest region of the United States
mayor: highest ranking officer in the municipal government of a town or large urban city
ordinance: laws of the city
council: a group of people who come together to consult, deliberate or make decisions
representative: a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others
ward: an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a council
Vocab game link: http://www.classtools.net/mob/quiz_85/Communities_SpellingVocab_test_October_17_M66N5.htm
Spelling game link:
Reading/SS: We are continuing to learn about the past and present of Kansas and Shawnee. We are working on making inferences and comparing/contrasting. Students will use this information to write an opinion piece next week.
Have a fantastic week!
This week is Take a Stand against bullying at school. It is important that the students realize the importance of not being a bully and what actions they can take if someone is bullying them. A picture form will be coming home. Pictures are Thursday, October 17. Also, this a reminder there is no school On October 18 or October 21. Writing: The students are working on descriptive writing this week. They are partnering with a class in New Mexico with a monster writing project.
Grammar: We will continue to focus on verbs and adverbs in writing. They students are going to use them in their free writes about different communities they watch live on web cams.
Math: The students are learning how to estimate with subtraction, subtract across zeroes and use problem-solving methods. The topic 3 test will be this week.
Writing: We will beginning a descriptive writing project with a class in New Mexico this week. The students will be creating their own monsters, writing detailed descriptions of them, then exhanging them with this class to draw. Our partner class will be doing the same thing. We will also write our California pen pals back this week.
Spelling/Vocab: The tests will be on Thursday, October 17 next week. Here are the new words:
Johnson: a county in Kansas
Prairie Ridge: elementary school in Shawnee
Monticello Trail: middle school in Shawnee
Grey Oaks: neighborhood in Shawnee
Mill Valley: high school in Shawnee
Woodsonia: neighborhood in Shawnee
Crystal Park: neighborhood in Shawnee
Oakmont: neighborhood in Shawnee
Shawnee: city in Kansas
Kansas: state in the Midwest region of the United States
mayor: highest ranking officer in the municipal government of a town or large urban city
ordinance: laws of the city
council: a group of people who come together to consult, deliberate or make decisions
representative: a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others
ward: an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a council
Vocab game link: http://www.classtools.net/mob/quiz_85/Communities_SpellingVocab_test_October_17_M66N5.htm
Spelling game link:
Reading/SS: We are continuing to learn about the past and present of Kansas and Shawnee. We are working on making inferences and comparing/contrasting. Students will use this information to write an opinion piece next week.
Have a fantastic week!
Dream Birthday Party Videos
We have been working on planning a dream birthday party in math to work on adding numbers. The students had $120 to spend. They had to research items for their party, create a table and show all the mathematical calculations. Here are the videos they created for their presentation.
Jack W. http://animoto.com/play/4MKrZAFViz0kJsrg2KkdIQ
Natalie http://animoto.com/play/8ceA7aYCsoQkD9KPEsvlzA
Madeline http://animoto.com/play/cV3HgWwHsrqLx0POAq1mbw
Jayda http://animoto.com/play/xdILQDlSv0ZyuA6KacmR3w
Cassie http://animoto.com/play/i8yqKEeXlo2g50itIKZx6w
Ryan http://animoto.com/play/pkzvo3IAkkZJQMbTeezaiA
Libby http://animoto.com/play/A1dOKrC3SdQH5pB0d0CR9w
Jack G. http://animoto.com/play/hH2WavC8saBUR2tz3LLNMw
Jane http://animoto.com/play/PxAQw9f2B59feVXK4kMdgg
Sofia http://animoto.com/play/QZTGQfJypMqPsLQeMwOk1Q
Rodolfo http://animoto.com/play/UmMYfTSHxGJohXtK4FvxwQ
Lucas http://animoto.com/play/U4bNw4iMyOlVCFd6hExyWg
Dylan http://animoto.com/play/nuGetgyk8IoBcgnIHOyx2Q
Oliver http://animoto.com/play/pxNW3JUKH7E1p140pp5uHA
Ethan http://animoto.com/play/LLFjFmj6vc4X0vBJMxC51Q
Bryce http://animoto.com/play/iTfReqWFeg0XplnGch8J0A
Chloe http://animoto.com/play/67PW4bSzGolEYQcjtm0TJw
Sam http://animoto.com/play/bfZBkT54c0orN6kuby1XFg
Max http://animoto.com/play/4xx36ZiTkcLoAJNXRm7GnA
Nick http://animoto.com/play/i66niRdaaBFzI6wO2rB0JQ
Alex http://animoto.com/play/OjtD6LStPZOU0y1YJ9fRmw
Jack W. http://animoto.com/play/4MKrZAFViz0kJsrg2KkdIQ
Natalie http://animoto.com/play/8ceA7aYCsoQkD9KPEsvlzA
Madeline http://animoto.com/play/cV3HgWwHsrqLx0POAq1mbw
Jayda http://animoto.com/play/xdILQDlSv0ZyuA6KacmR3w
Cassie http://animoto.com/play/i8yqKEeXlo2g50itIKZx6w
Ryan http://animoto.com/play/pkzvo3IAkkZJQMbTeezaiA
Libby http://animoto.com/play/A1dOKrC3SdQH5pB0d0CR9w
Jack G. http://animoto.com/play/hH2WavC8saBUR2tz3LLNMw
Jane http://animoto.com/play/PxAQw9f2B59feVXK4kMdgg
Sofia http://animoto.com/play/QZTGQfJypMqPsLQeMwOk1Q
Rodolfo http://animoto.com/play/UmMYfTSHxGJohXtK4FvxwQ
Lucas http://animoto.com/play/U4bNw4iMyOlVCFd6hExyWg
Dylan http://animoto.com/play/nuGetgyk8IoBcgnIHOyx2Q
Oliver http://animoto.com/play/pxNW3JUKH7E1p140pp5uHA
Ethan http://animoto.com/play/LLFjFmj6vc4X0vBJMxC51Q
Bryce http://animoto.com/play/iTfReqWFeg0XplnGch8J0A
Chloe http://animoto.com/play/67PW4bSzGolEYQcjtm0TJw
Sam http://animoto.com/play/bfZBkT54c0orN6kuby1XFg
Max http://animoto.com/play/4xx36ZiTkcLoAJNXRm7GnA
Nick http://animoto.com/play/i66niRdaaBFzI6wO2rB0JQ
Alex http://animoto.com/play/OjtD6LStPZOU0y1YJ9fRmw
Natural Disaster Narrative Stories
The students recently completed their natural disaster narrative writing. They wrote some very creative stories.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Meteorologist, Gary Lezak Surprises Students!
Thank you to Action 41 News Meteorologist, Gary Lezak, and his weather team for judging the students natural disaster weather forecasts. The students were shocked when Gary Lezak decided to come in person to announce the winner!
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