Coach BLeggett

Coach BLeggett

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Monster Skype with Leman Manhattan Prepatory School

We had a Skype with two second grade classes at Le'man Manhattan Prepatory School in New York City on Oct. 28. The students had to draw monster, then write specific details on how to draw it. We exchanged the details and how to draw a monster from the directions. Students compared their original monster to the one the class wrote. We spoke about what was good about the writing and what could have been better. This helped us improve our descriptive writing and technical writing.

Oct. 27 - Mystery Skype with Mrs. Burn's Class Duxbury, MA

On Monday, we had a wonderful Mystery Skype with Mrs. Jen Burn's class in Duxbury, Massachusetts. We learned much more about Massachusetts.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Mystery Skype with Mr. Maffei's Class in Norwood, Massachusetts

Today, Oct. 17, we had a Mystery Skype with Mr. Maffei's Class in Norwood, Massachusetts. We learned a lot of valuable information. Thank you!

Mystery Skype with Mrs. Brown's class in Indianapolis, Indiana

Thank you to Mrs. Brown's class in Indianapolis, Indiana for our Mystery Skype on Wednesday. The students loved it!

Shawnee Past to Present Project

Students recently completed their Shawnee movies. Students researched Shawnee, came up with interview questions, interviewed and filmed individuals in Shawnee on our community walk, completed an act of kindness for our Pay it Forward project and turned their research and writing into a movie. Here is a link to the completed website.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hungary Skype

We recently had a Skype with Mrs. Dondi's class in Hungary. Students came at 7:30 am because of the time difference. It was a wonderful experience. We really learned a lot.

Birthday Party Math Project

As part of a math extension for addition and subtraction, some students planned a birthday party. They had to make a budget, research items for a party, make a table, show all their work, write a paragraph explaining why they made the party the way they did, then come up with a way to present their party. The students did a wonderful job. Here are their videos.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Welles Crowther Pay it Foward

As part of our community walk, students learned what it was like to be a good citizen in their community. Students learned about Welles Crowther,, a hero in 9-11. They learned how he saved lives, while sacrificing his own. Students learned how he always carried a red bandanna. In remembrance of Crowther, students wrote kind notes and attached them to red bandannas. While on our walk, they passed them out to individuals, wishing them to have a good day and pay it forward.

Leggett Class Stanleys travel to France

We sent our Leggett Flat Stanleys to our partner classes in Le bourg in France. These schools are going to send us their class Stanleys. Students are going to take photos with them in different parts of France and we will do the same in Kansas and write where they are and what they are doing. We are looking forward to see where we travel in Kansas.

Oct. 10 Mystery Skype with Mrs. Davis's Class in New York City

We had a Mystery Skype with Mrs. Davis's class in New York City. We really enjoyed it.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Conflict Resolution Strategies Partnership with Mrs. Marsh's Class at Tsukuba Intl. School in Japan

We have been working on a project with Tsukuba International School in Japan. We have been sharing ways we solve conflicts in our schools, class and home. Here are both classes completed videos.

Leggett's Class Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum Conflict Resolution

                                Leggett's Class Highest Number Conflict Resolution

                              Leggett's Class Rolling Dice Conflict Resolution

                          Leggett's Class Blue Shoe Conflict Resolution

                Leggett's Class Skunk in the Barnyard Conflict Resolution

                                    Leggett's Class Fluffy Conflict Resolution

               Tsukuba International School, Mrs. Marsh's Class Rock, Paper, Scissors

        Tsukuba International School, Mrs. Marsh's Class Conflict Resolution Strategies

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 7 Skype with Explorer Mark Wood

Thank you to explorer, Mark Wood located in the United Kingdom. He took the to speak with us about how to prepare for frigid temperatures when exploring. He also spoke with us about communities in the North Pole and other places he explored, along with the UK. Thank you Mark Wood. We really learned a lot.

Skype with meteorologist Gian Villamil

Thank you to meteorologist, Gian Villamil for taking the time to Skype with us. We learned a lot about the differences between weather and climate. In addition we learned about weather tools used to make forecasts and how they are determined. Villamil is earning his phD in science for weather.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Natural Disaster Weather Forecasts

For our natural disaster unit, we created weather forecasts to demonstrate our learning. Here is a link to our class weather forecast website.

The students did a WONDERFUL job and used a lot of creativity. I think there is a great chance of a future meteorologist in the group.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mystery Skype with Neil Armstrong Academy in West Valley City, Utah

We had a Mystery Skype on October 3 with Neil Armstrong Academy in West Valley City, Utah. Once again, it was a wonderful experience for the students to improve their geography skills

Communities Archaeology Dig

Thank you to Mr. Hileman, teacher at Monticello Trails Middle School for bringing his museum archaeology class to our third grade students to help them better understand communities. Thank you to his high school students as well. The kids LOVED it!

Mystery Skype Sept. 30 with Mr. Iversen's 4th grade class, Escola Americana in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

We had our first Mystery Skype with Mr. Iversen's class at Escola Americana in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The kids did a FABULOUS job! It was amazing learning more about geography and using critical thinking skills in such a real-life experience.

Team Leggett Curriculum Updates

Please refer to Schoology for all curriculum updates.