Coach BLeggett

Coach BLeggett

Monday, October 8, 2012

Curriculum Update October 8-12

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. It is definitely beginning to feel like Fall outside.

Thank you to everyone that sent in items for our solar cookout. We will finally have our cookout on Monday. It will be a little chilly, but luckily sunshine is in the forecast.

In your child's Monday folder, information will be coming home about the solar house project. The house and the write up are due Tuesday, October 23, 2012. One important detail is that the house MUST be made using a shoe box. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

We will continue Theme 2, Week 2 in Rigby focusing on the theme, "What is Light?" The comprehension strategy is still practicing inferring. When your child is reading, you can ask them to choose a part of the text they read and to explain what they think the author is implying.
The vocab words are lens, function, focus, demonstrate filament.
In enVision last week, we focused on addition models. This week, we will focus on subtraction. We will be subtracting with an expanded algorithm, using models for subtracting 3-digit numbers, subtracting 3-digit numbers, subtracting across zeroes, and drawing a picture and writing a number sentence. 
In Cougar Math on Friday, we will continue to practice analyzing data to determine the mode, minimum, maximum, range, and median. 
We will be finishing our rural, suburban, and urban communities this week. We will also finish our Cougar Nation group communities projects.
We will complete our solar energy unit by learning about different solar cookers. The students built their solar cookers last Friday. We will have our solar cookout on Monday, making nachos and baked apples.
Last week, we did an experiment with different dye colors. The students worked on groups to determine which color would absorb the most solar energy.  Some groups had red, while others had blue. Everyone agreed green and yellow did not absorb the most solar energy.

The Rigby spelling pattern focus this week is consonant digraphs.
List 1: branch, children, flesh, purchase, whisper, south, thaw, whistle, wharf, shine
List 2: sharp, foolish, whirl, whack, anywhere, reached, charcoal, establish, theater, smooth
Extension: bi (two) bicolor, bicuspid, bicycle, biennial, bifocals, bilingual, bimonthly, biped, biplane, biweekly

Last week, we received letters from our Pennsylvania pen pals. We wrote them back and wrote introductory letters to our Derrick Thomas Academy pen pals.

This week, we will be writing our South Carolina pen pals back and focusing on colorful words and bringing our writing to life with figurative language for our next narrative writing piece.  All of  the first narrative writing pieces have been posted on the blog. They are the Zooburst vacation stories. Please click on the top left corner to enlarge your child's writing.

Have a fantastic week!


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