Coach BLeggett

Coach BLeggett

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Curriculum Update August 27-31

I hope everyone had a terrific weekend! It was great to finally receive some much needed rain.

Last week, we worked on procedures and routines both in and outside of the classroom. The kids are really doing well.  We will continue to practice this week.

On September 19, Prairie Ridge PTA will be hosting Common Core night. Information on this was placed in the Back to School packet you should have received on Back to School Night. This will be a night where the teachers will do a lesson with parents to enable you to better understand Common Core. Please return the flier with your child letting me know if you plan on attending.

Rigby Reading
We will begin Theme1 (Community Spirit) in Rigby this week. The comprehension focus skill will be making connections. When your child reads at home this week, please ask them to make connections with what they have read to themselves, other texts and to the world.

Your child will receive a reading log this week. They need to read at least 75 minutes and turn it in by the following Tuesday. After they read, they need to complete a short summary, make a connection, or write down something they are wondering. Please initial each night they read. They DO NOT need to have every night completed, just a total of 75 minutes throughout the week.

enVision Math
We will begin Topic 1 in enVision, Numeration. This week we will cover representing numbers, ways to name numbers, greater numbers, understanding number lines, and counting on the number line.

For homework, it is required to complete the practice side and optional to complete the enrichment side. There will be other math sheets coming home throughout the week that are optional for the students to complete.

Your child took a pretest on Friday. If they scored below 7 out of 10, they received the first list. If they scored 7 out of 10, they have an option to study for the second list or for the extension list.  Your child should have brought their spelling list home on Friday.

The word study focus this week is short vowels.

Below Level: heavy, insist, inspect, jungle, listen, object, picture, planet, rumble, topic
On-Level: dismiss, advance, gadget, challenge, presence, fidget, frantic, quilt, thicken, blossom
The word study focus of the extension list is pre (before, in advance)
Extension list: preapprove, precaution, precede, predict, prefix, prejudge, prepay, pretest, prevent, preview

I am sending home a spelling relay paper they can use to help them study their words each week. This doesn not need to be turned in. Also, on my class homepage under spelling, there are links they can go to study and a spelling document with a lot of ideas to help them study.
We will begin our solar energy unit. The students will learn how the sun works. We will conduct a shadow tracker lab and create and track the sun with sun dials. The students will have a better understanding of how to tell time based on their shadow.

The students began writing about their K-State field trip experience. They will be publishing their writing by creating a Voice Thread.

Students will also begin learning about the writing process.

We will focus on common nouns this week.

Have a fantastic week!

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