Coach BLeggett

Coach BLeggett

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Curriculum Update February 11-13

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Thank you to everyone for ensuring your child was prepared for the International Festival. Thank you for sending in all the delicious food. Please remember Tuesday we are going to the Kauffman Center. Please send a sack lunch in with your child.
Wednesday and Thursday are student-led conferences. It is important your child comes to the conference. If you have forgotten your time, please let me know. There is no school on Thursday, Friday or Monday.

The Valentine's Day party is on Tuesday at 3:00 pm.  Thank you for sending in items for our party.

We will continue Theme 10, "Money Matters". We are focusing on identifying the author's purpose. (P-persuade, I-inform, E-entertain) of the story. We are continuing to ask questions and compare/contrast information. The vocabulary focus is fee, invest, personal, borrow, and budget.
Due to the short week, there is no spelling this week. We will take the pretest this Wednesday. Please look for a new list to come home with your on Wednesday.
We will begin our autobiographies for our published books we will be sending to Ethiopia libraries. The students will begin filling out a rough draft packet.
We will continue with Topic 11. The students will combine and separate shapes, make new shapes and use problem solving to solve a simpler problem.
We will complete our country podcasts this week.

I look forward to seeing you at conferences on Wednesday and Thursday. Have a fantastic week!

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