Coach BLeggett

Coach BLeggett

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Curriculum Update October 1-5

It was wonderful seeing everyone at parent teacher conferences. I enjoyed speaking to each of you about all the progress your child has made this school year.

On Friday, the third grade will have a solar cookout. We are looking for 3 volunteers to help assemble the pizza boxes for each child's solar cooker on Thursday at 2:00 pm. There will be a note coming home in Monday folders for items we are requesting donations for the cookout. Please send in 50 cents with your child by Wednesday for us to purchase the pizza boxes from Pizza Shoppe.

Last week, we talked about inferring. This week, we will actually begin Theme 3, What is Light? The comprehension skill focus will be inferring. With inferring, students needs to be able to focus on what the text said and their prior knowledge to determine the author's meaning. For example, if the text said someone studied snowflakes each day, they could infer they like snowflakes or the person was fascinated with snowflakes.
The vocabulary words will be monitor, pattern, projected, beam and absorption.

The students did very well on their Topic 2 math test. On Wednesday, we learned about data. The students measured each other's smiles and we figured out the mode, median, minimum, maximum, and range.

This week, we will begin topic 3. We will work on using place value to add and subtract, adding with an expanded algorithm, models for adding 3-digit numbers, adding 3 or more numbers, and drawing a picture to help with problem solving.
Last week, we kicked off our "Pay it Forward" project with our community walk. The students wrote nice messages and attached them to a red bandanna. The red bandanna stood for 9-11 victim, Welles Crowther.
Look for more to come with this project.

Class posing with red bandannas before our community walk

This week, we will focus on the different roles of a community. The students will be broken up into groups to create their own classroom community.

We will continue with our solar energy unit. The students will perform an investigation to discover if different colored water absorbs solar energy at different rates. We will also learn about different solar cookers and how they are used as a of survival for many people throughout the world. At the end of the week, we will make our own solar cookers and cook baked apples and nachos.

The spelling pattern will focus on long vowels in Rigby
List 1: alone, scrape, quote, behave, polite, entire, type, spoke, brake, space
List 2: telephone, volume, spaceship, graceful, bracelet, homework, rely, arrive, surprise, replay
Extension List (uni~one) unicellular, unicorn, unicycle, unidirectional, unify, unilateral, unique, unison, unit, unitard

We will work on word clouds to help enhance our word choice.  We will also write pen pal letters to our Derrick Thomas Academy pen pals.

Have a fantastic week!

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